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Learning from Netflix

Some more recent thoughts from Netflix: “the importance of Netflix’s recommendation engine is actually underestimated”

The Learning Layer

Netflix recently published a blog that lays out some of their experiences with their recommender system.  The blog is notable in that Netflix was one of the pioneers of e-commerce recommendation engines, has one of the most famous recommendation engines, and packs a lot of details and good insights into the blog.

Here are a few takeaways:

75% of what people watch via Netflix is due to recommendations.  And given how impressively recommendations drive sales for businesses such as Amazon, it is not surprising that sophisticated recommender systems are becoming the norm in e-commerce.

“Everything is a Recommendation.”  Netflix uses this phrase to underscore the point that most of its interface now personalizes to the user. This approach is an inevitable direction for user interfaces most generally since it is clearly technically feasible and delivers business results.

Optimize for accuracy and serendipity.  People are complex and have…

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